Import Stripe fees when payment taken through Quickfile

At the moment if a payment is taken through Quickfile the Stripe fees are not imported.

Please can I request this to be automatically done

Hi Sally_Beardon, The Stripe feed has the option to choose to get the fees downloaded to your stripe holding account in quickfile or not (See screenshot below). If the tick box is unticked then you will get the fees for each transaction, is the box ticked fees will be excluded.
The above is for a normal stripe feed when payments are taken on a website or so, not sure is it the same for payments taken in quickfile.

Yes I know this but as I said if the payment is taken through Quickfile then it doesn’t import the fees

The better approach is probably to ignore all the Stripe fees on individual transactions (whether for payments taken through QuickFile or for payments imported from elsewhere).

Stripe sends you a proper invoice once a month detailing all the fees they’ve charged you that month, and you can account for the whole month’s fees in one go by making a purchase from that invoice (with reverse charge, if you’re VAT registered) and logging payment in full from the Stripe merchant account.