Important - Change to XML API Endpoint

Please note that from 4th September 2017 we will require all XML based API requests to be made to the following endpoint:

The endpoints listed below will cease to respond after 4th September.

No further changes should be required to your XML body, however if you are using the SOAP (asmx) endpoint then you will need to post your XML without the SOAP envelope from 4th September.

If you have any questions relating to this change please don’t hesitate to respond here.

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Brilliant. Only taken about 3 hours to ascertain this is why our app is broken.

Why wasn’t this communicated in an announcement to API users? :sob:

Hi @ForceOne

I’m sorry to hear you weren’t aware of this change.

An email was sent out to all account admins with an API app registered. This was sent on 3rd July.

We also posted the above thread and pinned it, so you will see it at the top of the forums until it’s either read or unpinned. A notice was also added to the API section of all accounts, regardless of whether there were any apps registered or not.