Importing negative items on a invoice from csv

I am running a speadsheet with multiple entries for a unique invoice number. Some of the entries are negaive, beacuase they are discounts. I can seem to import these from the CSV.
Example from the spreadsheet that i want to save a CSV and then import;

Issue Date Client Name Invoice Number Flight Date Description Total Gross Amount Quantity
25/03/2024 Jason Oakley 202403-Oakley 09/03/2024 Flight 210 1.4
25/03/2024 Jason Oakley 202403-Oakley 10/03/2024 Flight 345 2.3
25/03/2024 Jason Oakley 202403-Oakley 14/03/2024 Flight 405 2.7
25/03/2024 Jason Oakley 202403-Oakley 26/03/2024 Flight 825 5.5
25/03/2024 Jason Oakley 202403-Oakley 26/03/2024 Fuel -60.54 5.5

Is there any way to import a negative amount?

Hi @oakleyjason

Due to the complexities with a negative invoice, this isn’t supported at this time I’m afraid.

You would have to raise these individually on your account.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

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