Internal Server Error

I’m getting a 500 Internal Server Error page when I try to access any part of my QuickFile account. The status page at doesn’t think there’s anything wrong, any ideas?

I am also having this problem.

Me too! Its seems the IIS application has been stopped.

Same here. The status says it last checked on Wednesday the 19th

I am having the same error! Have to finish a vat return so pulling my hair out.

What exactly does that mean…?


I tried to create an invoice at 19:10hrs 29th March 2018 and I was unable to save it. when I tried again to create a invoice is said the server had error 500 on all pages.

Please advise.


It appears the entire site is down just at the moment. Maybe unplanned maintenance?

Is there no support team that can be contacted? I have the same error and trying to finish a VAT return to submit tomorrow eeeck!

@ian_roberts @hoath2017 @Aspyre_Accountancy @rentprem @EasyWebsiteUK

Please accept our apologies for this, and for the delayed response here on the forums. There was a minor update that was made live during a quiet period which as a result caused the error.

However our team did pick this up and resolved it. Please let us know if you have any further issues and we’ll happily take a look for you.

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