Invoice layout - to include VAT Number

I have just started to invoice including VAT. However I have not yet managed to change the template to include the VAT number without it being included in previous invoices (which does not have VAT).
Any thoughts would be helpful.

Previous invoices wont have vat number, it will only show up on invoices from vat date

Hi and many thanks for a swift response.
Yes they don’t have the Number but have the VAT and space where the number would be. Is there not an alternative? Also really would not like to change existing invoices.

I am hoping someone-one will have some other ideas. Can I lock down the previous invoices so they can not be changed with any future amendments?

Hi @ideas4learning

I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing a problem with this. I’ve raised a query with our development team to see what should be happening here. Hopefully someone will be in touch with your shortly about this.

Hi @ideas4learning

A fix has now gone live for this so please let us know whether you’re still having problems

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