Invoice Management Screen Caching on IE 11

Hi Guys,

Since the last update I have noticed a little issue with the Invoice Management page. After creating an invoice and “Sending” it etc., when I return to the Invoice list the latest one does not appear. In my case I have just created 000223 and I can go to the Dashboard and back to the Invoice page and it is still not there. If I go to the account “Card Sale” I can see the invoice in there but again when I go back to the Invoice page it is not at the top of the list.

It will eventually appear of its own accord as the previous ones did but I can make it appear by searching for it (it is found) and then going back to the invoice page where it now appears at the top.

Win 7 x64 with IE11.0.9600.17914

Hope that helps,


IE 11 does have seem to cache aggressively (even XHR calls), I think you had similar issues on the forum some time ago, if I remember rightly?

We will try to reproduce this in our test environment and implement a fix where possible.

Hi Glenn,

I’ve not had this issue previously and it was not present until the recent updates that gave the popup on login. Previously I had the issue with the icons not appearing in the Nominal Codes and Invoices/Payments such as the Pay icon or Copy etc and this is still intermittently the case.

We moved QuickFile to several new load balancing servers earlier this week. I strongly suspect this is also playing a role, I noticed there were no cache headers set on the AJAX requests. IE 11 does cache AJAX more so than other browsers.

We’ve actually manually set the cache headers now so this should work fine by the next release (later today).

Cool! Fantastic support as ever! :person_with_blond_hair:

This caching issue should be solved now, although let me know if you see any other such problems.

I will leave the thread open for a week or so.

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