Invoice Name field edit problem

A tiny bug probably only noticed by the most OCD of us.

RE “Invoice Name” field in “Invoice/Estimate Header Label” section of “Invoice Styles”

When editing the invoice name, something I do now and again to issue a Proforma Invoice, the cursor jumps to the end of the field with every key stroke. i.e if I click into the field before the “I” in INVOICE and start to type PROFROMA INVOICE I get PINVOICEROFORMA.

Catches me every time.


Hi @tc5440

I’m not able to replicate this. What web browser are you using (e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge etc.)?

Hi, I am mainly using Chrome but I have replicated the same problem in Edge and Firefox.

I’ve just given it another go in Chrome, and I’ve replicated it this time :wink: . It does however seem to be limited to the invoice label.

I’ll ask our dev team to take a look. Someone will come back to you as soon as we know more.

Yep this would affect all browsers. We’ve made an update on our development version to fix this, that should go live early next week.

Thanks guys. Yes I have only found this in the Invoice field.