Invoice number not listed on remittance Advice email


Just wondering if I am doing something wrong.

When I tick the box to email remittance email to supplier after making a payment, the invoice number is not showing on the actual email. It just has the date and amount.

Do I need to update something somewhere please?

Many thanks in advance for your help

Hello @cjoplumb

If you go to Account Settings >> Routine Emails, you can modify the template there. This particular one is the “Remittance Advice” template.

There’s a specific token @PaidInvoiceList@ which lists the invoices individually (should you pay multiple invoices at once). So something like this:

We hereby confirm that the sum of @PaymentAmount@ has been paid and set against the following invoices:


If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Would be sent like this:

We hereby confirm that the sum of 100.00 GBP has been paid and set against the following invoices:

  • Invoice #12345 dated 17 Jul 2019 - 100.00 GBP

If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Which as you can see, also includes their invoice number.

I hope that helps!


Thank you for your reply

I have checked the settings and template and the token is there but the invoice number is not listed on the email itself.

I can not attach a snapshot for you to see. But if u r able to access my sent emails then you will see any email subject header remittance Advice will show you what I mean.

Sorry I hope this makes sense.

Thanks again

Sorry meant to say that it is only on multiple payments sent out.

Let me send you a private message and we can take a look at this for you.

You should see a green notification in the top right corner shortly.

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