When using the sandbox for the Invoice_Search request, I am not receiving any invoices even though the client does have a single undeleted invoice.
Parameters for the JSON body:
"Body": {
"SearchParameters": {
"ReturnCount": "10",
"Offset": "0",
"OrderResultsBy": "InvoiceNumber",
"OrderDirection": "ASC",
"InvoiceType": "INVOICE",
"ShowDeleted": "true",
"ClientDetails": {
"ClientID": "638XXXX"
Hi @samppatel
We don’t offer a sandbox facility, so can I just confirm is this on your actual account (ending 869)?
I think @samppatel means the API sandbox rather than a sandbox account:
Thanks @martinprice. The ‘sandbox’ referred to in your linked post is just a testing area for the API. Live data is still returned and manipulated.