Invoice Tagging after changing “Reference” on Bank Statement

If I change the details in the bank statement “Reference” , I get a green TICK . If I then go to “Tag me” and enter the invoice leaving the description blank so it will use the one from the bank entry it populates with the Old Reference.
For example the bank Reference may say “PayPal Payment” but for ease of tracking I add a an extra description so the reference filed may read “PayPal something description” once entered the green tick appears and the bank statement looks good. If I then try and tag the invoice it will only bring through the old “PayPal Payment” into the purchase invoice not “PayPal something description”
Any one know how to force the update ?
The only option looks to be to update manually both fields
Any help appreciated

Does it work if you re-load the bank account page between editing the description and tagging the transaction?

Yes , just did this useing Relaod page button (firefox)

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