Invoice title line

On the Invoice Management screen, for the ‘Invoice title’ column, the last line of the invoice is displayed. This is confusing especially when the last line is a discount like. Can it be adjusted to show the first line of the invoice for Invoice Title instead? This is the same in both the Admin screen and the Clients screen, it should show the first line of the invoice. Many thanks. I can provide screenshots if you need further description.

Vicky Mace

Hi @graffiq

You can set the invoice title yourself but it usually takes the first line of the invoice as default - If you could provide some more details then we can look into why it is using the last line rather than the first?

Screenshot 2021-10-15 120457
Screenshot 2021-10-15 120613

Hi @graffiq

It looks as though those invoice are set from a recurring profile. When you created the recurring invoice profile it must have taken the Discounts line as the first line (alphabetically). You should be able to amend the invoice title on the recurring profile which should follow through with future invoices.

Thanks, so I need to wait until the next set of recurring invoices are sent to see the change?

Hi @graffiq

Yes, it won’t amend previously created invoices only those going forward

Thank you, I’ll monitor the results in a few days (next batch of recurrings go out on 24th).

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