Is there an issue with Dropbox integration?


I’m having trouble uploading documents via Dropbox.

I am an affinity user so have my dropbox linked to many client accounts via their individual account numbers. This has been working for many years now.

I can drop a file into the folders but it’s not uploading to QF. I’ve tried manually polling the file but get the error message and I’ve gone through the checklist.

I’ve also checked the integration at the Dropbox end and all appears OK.

Is there an issue that you know of ?

Hi @Echohead

Please can I ask what the error message is?

Hi Beth

The usual one when you try to poll the Dropbox folder and it can’t find anything:

<img width=“803” height=“441” style=“width:8.3645in;height:4.5937in” id=“Picture_x0020_3” src="//" alt="Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated">


Hi @Echohead

Thank you for confirming, one of my collegues has just tested this, they received the same error but the file was imported. It has been reported to the development team to investigate

Hi @Echohead

I’ve just heard back from the development team about this.

The error message itself was the bug, and the file should have been imported correctly for you.

I’m sorry for any confusion this has caused you.

Thanks for your reply. All sorted now…

…But another question on the subject of Dropbox.

I have my Dropbox account connected to many client files and can therefore upload files into the receipt hubs for separate clients but can the client themselves upload documents into the receipt hub also ?

I believe the Dropbox folders cannot be shared so what way would you suggest a client submits receipts / purchase invoices ?

I know I could set up a shared folder in Dropbox into which the client could place the files and I could then move them to the Dropbox folder but I wondered if there was any alternative ?

Hi @Echohead

Can I just clarify, by “clients”, do you mean the clients you invoice from your account, or are you an accountant and just looking to give your clients access to their own accounts to upload files?

I’m an accountant using affinity with multiple clients and yes I just want to give them access to upload receipts etc so I then tag and undertake the bookkeeping.

Thanks for confirming :slight_smile:

There are a few options here:

  • Share the Dropbox folder (if Dropbox allows this - I’m aware there are some restrictions on the folder setup for apps)

  • Setup “email my receipts”, so they can email the files straight to their account

  • If they’re taking photos of receipts/invoices, they can use the QuickFile app. Providing they have a login to their QuickFile accounts, they can take a photo and “Save it for later” in the app.

Hope that helps!

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