Issue again with shortcut keys. [active on journal screens]

Continuing the discussion from Shortcut Keys being more of a hindrance than a help for me:

Cant reply to the original topic, as these dont stay open long enough, any chance extending this time for support topics ? 5-7 days is really short especially in terms of clients/customers needing support.

anyway, i have another problem with the shortcuts again, journal screens, i had imputed, most of a 40 line trial balance, and pressed the “d” key on a dropdown, and the damn thing sent me to the dashboard and cleared all i had put in, could someone make sure these dont focus on dropdowns, especially on important screens such as the journals.


I can’t replicate this… It’s possible that your browser may have cached the old page? Or your cursor was not actually in the dropdown when you hit the key?

We’ve already developed an option to completely disable shortcut keys, this should go live later this week.

In the mean time we will switch this page to show a confirm box before redirecting to prevent this for users who have the keyboard shortcuts left on.

Great, i have switched it off for now, as it will be useful, just not when rushing and have loads of purchases/sales to enter and other info

We made a few oversights here. There are a number of weird quirks that needed to be handled that were missed… the drop-down being one, as well as a few subtle differences between browsers. I think we solved most of these oddities through trial and error but if you don’t use it, best just to switch it off.

Didnt say i wouldnt use it, or that it wouldnt be useful, just not applicable when im rushing with losts of items, having to re-enter items, 2x is a pain, but year they will be useful to me when i am not rushing to get returns submitted.

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