Keep cloud based ledger for liquidated business?

Recently there was discussion on Accountingweb regarding this subject.
Link:Keep cloud based ledger for liquidated business? | AccountingWEB

Here is extract.
" Keep cloud based ledger for liquidated business?

Do I need to keep paying cloud based ledger subscription for liquidated business?

Accounting records need to be kept for at least 6 years, do I need to keep paying the subcription for the cloud based ledger for the next 6 years after a company is liquidated? It is £56.40 per month for the subscription, and there is no business to pay for this from. All accounting records (invoices etc) have been stored electronically, so even if I downloaded various reports from the system I would still not have copies of all sales invoices created, and all purchase invoices posted etc if I finish the subscription. I have approached the cloud supplier, who have said that if I stop the subscription all information will disappear (forever)."

What is response of your company?
Can quickfile take a lead in resolving this issue namely, availability of data on read only basis for either no fees or minimal fees?


Hello @hemant

Thank you for contacting us.

With QuickFile, our subscription is based on the number of ledger entries which have been created in the last 12 months. Accounts with 1,000+ nominal ledger entries require a subscription to continue using QuickFile, When you are below this threshold the account would revert back to the free tier.

Accounts are only deleted if there have been no logins in a two year period and you have not responded to our warning emails, as long as you log in periodically the account will remain open and the data will be safe.

There is no read only version.

I recommend taking a look at the following guides and checking out the ledger count, so you can see how this is broken down for your account:

Account size explained

What items make up your ledger count

How to check the size of your account