I have two types of reverse charge invoices (for goods and services) My accountant told me that for services I have to update my Vat return form. And now the question is how to group all this invoices together to pick on the end only the value of those invoices for Vat return period. Now I am doing it manually.
hi @awariat,
One way to group them together would be to use project tags?
I use a project tag for this, you can then search for all purchases with that tag within the relevant date range and export the list as CSV for further analysis. However you’ll still have to drill down to the individual purchases (probably the easiest place to do this is the VAT return backing report) to get the right VAT amounts, as even if you “modify columns” in the purchase list and show the column for VAT, anything that has been recorded as an EC goods acquisition in QuickFile will show zero VAT. The only way to see that actual amount of VAT that has been added and then removed again is to look at the purchase invoice preview screen or the numbers in the VAT return calculations.
Also the date range search only works on the purchase date, not the payment date, so it’s less useful if you’re on cash accounting.