Link to show all and outstanding client invoices

Is there a simple way to go directly to the outstanding invoices for a customer once in their dashboard. At the moment I am having to use the Advanced Search to achieve that and whilst that works fine it uses a lot of clicks :wink:


See the following link on the dashboard:

A statement view would also show all outstanding invoices for the client.

Yes, thanks, however, when there are payments that link disappears? What Iā€™m after is a list of outstanding invoices similar to the main o/s list under the Sales drop down menu that I can take action (receive payment, view inv etc.) per customer.

Am just aiming for as slick as poss!


Iā€™m a little confusedā€¦the screenshots I supplied show how your client can view their outstanding invoices. Are you looking for a report that you can use to see outstanding invoices by client?

Is this information for you or your client?

For me, sorryā€¦ Peter B

Oh, when you said client dashboard I assumed you were referring to where your clients login :smile:

At the moment you can get a quick summary of outstanding invoices by following the balance links on the table.

We will be updating the table in the bottom right shortly to reveal links for ā€œoutstanding invoicesā€ and ā€œall invoicesā€. I think that will solved the problem.

That will be brilliant, thanks. PB

Take a look at the new client detail screen. I say ā€œnewā€ itā€™s hardly changed :smile:

But you will now see two links to show all and outstanding invoices, hope that helps!

Thatā€™s excellent, exactly what I was hoping for!

Very many thanks, PB

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