Is there a way to match/tag a bank feed entry with a payment recorded directly within the sales/purchase invoice?
My client records the payments received against the sales invoices, creating an entry within the bank account. When I come to ‘tag’ the bank entries that have come through the bank feed, there are now two amounts.
I have to delete the payment created by the client and then tag it from the bank feed. Besides being time-consuming it occasionally causes problems. Can the two entries be linked?
Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks
There are 2 ways to link a bank entry to a sales invoice.
Tagging bank entry’s
This is done from the bank side to either match the payment against and existing invoice (a list of matching invoices show in a list for you to match off) or create a new invoice using the payment detail.
Logging payment in an invoice
This is done from the invoice side and involves you clicking “Log payment” from the relevant invoice. This creates a new bank entry
If you use method 1 you should avoid using method 2 as using method 2 creates a new bank entry and you would have to delete the duplicate.
Thanks for the swift reply.
Regards “If you use method 1 you should avoid using method 2 as using method 2 creates a new bank entry and you would have to delete the duplicate”. This is the problem…
The client likes to record the payments against the invoices when they are received. I go in a week later and the bank feed entry is waiting to be tagged. So does this mean that there is no way to link them and one of them has to be deleted?
Thats correct you cant tag the feed entry to the invoice as the log payment has already tagged its own entry. the entry from the feed would need to be deleted.