Hi there I am trying to automate my credit card transactions to my QuickFile account but QuickFile can’t find my credit card. How can I connect the two please.
Hi @ianrh
How far are you getting in the authorisation process? Are you seeing any errors?
Hi Matthew,
When I try to activate my credit card this message appears-
There are currently no Open Banking feeds that are available to map to this bank account. You can setup additional Open Banking feeds here.
Im not sure if its something I need to do on QuickFile or at lloyds end?
Have you actually made the link between Lloyds and QuickFile successfully? If you’re unsure, if you click the set up link (the one you pasted in your reply above), does the connection show there all OK?
It only shows our current account and savings account. It doesn’t seem to link the credit card account?
If it’s not linking the credit card, and it isn’t giving you that option during the linking process, it’s likely to be a restriction on Lloyds side. It may be best to give them a call and see if they are aware of any issues.