Lock invoices when Direct Debit claimed


We have an issue we have known about for a while and I am not sure what category this is best allocated against.

When you link an invoice to Direct Debit, once the direct debit claim has been made via gocardless can you please lock at least the quantities and values. Any changes to invoices once a claim have been made really causes a pain in our accounts. It would not be so bad if it updated gocardless.

Hi @MearTech

I don’t believe updating GoCardless is possible at this time unfortunately.

We don’t support an individual lock on invoices, only the account as a whole (either following year end, or by submitting a VAT return).

We do however add a notice to invoices where there is a pending direct debit.


I am aware you don’t support it presently. I am highlighting a weakness the invoice should really be locked when a direct debit claim is made!

I think that generally it is too easy to update invoices that have been sent or paid.

Against that every business is different and what is desirable for one may be undesirable for another. When it comes to the crunch we are the ones responsible for doing our jobs properly, QF can help but the responsibility is still ours.

I agree the responsibility is ours to train staff on any issues. Quickfile have a great product and we are supporters. Not complaining just commenting that it is a vulnerability for users the QF is keen to attract sole trades etc.

As developers I also understand I can take into consideration what is viable and what is not. It will not effect us if QF impliment this or not. Just providing some feedback.

There ideally should be something to warn users or prevent users from making this sort of change. Having a pop up when you try and save after direct debit has been issued. Would be one possible solution to help educate and prevent.


I’d say 99% of users don’t touch an invoice again when it’s due to be paid.

I don’t understand why anyone would feel the need to modify an invoice they know is soon to be paid or has already been paid. Most mistakes would be altered long before that point.

I agree with @Paul_Courtier

Really, no invoice should be amended once it has been changed to sent form, ie the customer is in receipt of the invoice, as a legal tax point has been made, even more so for vat registered businesses.

Draft invoices before sending is fine. Any mistakes, or corrections needed, should be correctly accounted for by a additional invoice, or credit note.

Eddie and Paul I agree mistakes should be corrected via credit notes. What I am suggesting is a method of preventing non accountants and non book keepers making these mistakes. Helping educate and prevent mistakes.

Putting a message up if any invoice is changed before applying changes advising of bad practise would assist with this.

Eddie_B “as a legal tax point has been made, even more so for vat registered businesses” this is exactly why there should be more to stop invoices being edited!

Paul “I don’t understand why anyone would feel the need to modify an invoice they know is soon to be paid or has already been paid. Most mistakes would be altered long before that point.” a recurring invoice went out for the wrong quantity invoiced a month in advance with 30 days terms. Client wanted quantities adjusted. Someone made the changes innocently trying to help caused a bit of a headache for me. Staff have been educated on this but people forget. We have also put many start up businesses on to QF who have no bookkeeping experience they are likely to make these type of mistakes simply because they can and there is no method educating until mistakes are made.

Anyway was not wanting to start a war just making a suggestion.We design user interfaces and develop. We also provide IT support to SMB I can assure you people will do things that seem improbable just because they can. Preventing or educating them adds value.

If best practice is to make changes via credit note remove the ability to edit a sent invoice. Forcing users to do it the correct way.

Thanks for you both taking the time to reply.

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