I’m really not sure what’s missing here. I’ve entered plenty of payments before, although this is the first for this supplier.
It looks like you have a line entry with a zero value, Quickfile does not allow this.
Hello @EAssistLtd-Connor
@Rob is correct, you would either have to add a value to the line or remove the line from the invoice.
Ah… well that’s annoying as the invoice/receipt I received has a “no-extra-cost” add-on for £0. No worries, easy fix now that I know that’s the problem. Thanks!
If you want to include those things as kind items anyway for your own records then the workaround is to include them at some non-zero cost and then add a negative line for the same amount to cancel it out again. If there’s normally a cost for that item you could enter it at that cost and then make a negative line “less discount”, if it’s genuinely free then just use a peppercorn amount like 0.01 or £1 and the same for the reversing line.