I own a rental property and looking for the best way to move forward with MTD
I am not a VAT registered business just a normal guy with one flat I rent out
Does Quickfile provide the neccessary tolls to move forward with this
Thanks in advance
I own a rental property and looking for the best way to move forward with MTD
I am not a VAT registered business just a normal guy with one flat I rent out
Does Quickfile provide the neccessary tolls to move forward with this
Thanks in advance
Hi @roddy100,
If you are not VAT registered then you don’t need to worry about MTD. If you are referring to the MTD relating to income from properties I believe this isn’t coming until 2023?
It is Income from poperties I am referring to
I though we had to prepared for 2023 by using software from April 2021
I will probably start using Quickfile anyway and so half way there
Thanks for your reply
You can be prepared by using quickfile now (or from 6th April to make things easier) when MTDfIT finally happens, you’ll already be in a position to switch over to it.
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