Managing payments without an invoice

Hi, I have just opened an account and am using the software for the first time. I have connected my bank account and Stripe to be able to tag customer payments, but I’m unclear how I proceed with this? I run wellbeing classes so people pay via my website (through Stripe) and then I get multiple Stripe payments transferred to my bank account. So they are different clients and I don’t have any invoices for the payments as it’s through the website. The Stripe payments do not contain any reference to the specific class booked so I cannot consolidate bookings per class. I’m unsure how to proceed. Thank you!

You could download the invoice data from your website and upload it to quickfile which will create duplicate invoices in quickfile (only for your own reference). To make things easier you could use Zapier or Make to do the same job automatically. Trough Zapier or Make you create a feed like your stripe account or bank account in quickfile which will pull/push is your invoices from your website or direct from stripe to your quickfile account and creates the invoices for you. Your website creates a unique number for each payment. This number is also provided in your stripe account feed which you created in quickfile and brings in all your transactions to your stripe merchant holding account.
When it comes to tagging, go to your stripe holding account in quickfile and click Tagging at the end of each line. Click on Payment from Customer and all your open invoices matching that amount come up. Now you look for the Number created from your website and when found click on it. Done.
Note, you can also create the invoices manually and don’t need the extra feed via Zapier or Make or the download/upload method.

When the money arrives on your current bank account in quickfile tag it as Transfer between accounts and click on your stripe holding account.

Hope this helps

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