Manual Date Entry on VAT Return

Whilst producing a VAT return I attempted to key in the date as I can in most other places I alter dates. This isn’t possible here. Is this intentionally not allowed or can it be opened to allow manual entry?

Also I have keyed in the date entry elsewhere (CoA I think, but it seems to do this in other places as well) as DD/MM/YY and then tabbing out of the field an error pops up telling me the date is invalid but hitting the recalculate button works fine so the YY obviously is valid.

Hi @Lurch

To my knowledge it’s been set up this way from the start.

I know, would be handy though if it worked the same as other places, and I know other date entry forms have been altered to allow free entry, hence the request for this one to be brought in line.

Consistency is always desired and I’m sure @Glenn will pick it up.

We’re in a process of changing our date picker, some forms will have the new UI and some (VAT return included) will use the old UI. The VAT return screen is probably one of the few areas that still prevent direct entry.

I’ve just made a request on our development planner to get the date picker updated for the VAT return. It shouldn’t be a big job, I will update this thread when it has been implemented.


The date entry has been updated for the VAT return to you allow direct entry and the new picker.