Mark invoice as paid

Hello all,

I have been playing with Quickfile since my original message on here however transfered over to VT Cashbook. As for my needs I only needed to show money in / money out.

However, after a few months. Showing money in / money out is easy in VT Cashbook, how then having to type up an invoice on my Excel template is a bit of a nightmare. Especially as orders come in.

I want to show each transaction, instead of a final PayPal figure (from eBay and Online sales for instance).

I don’t mind typing the customers name and address in, as the goods i’m selling could gain repeat custom. Installers of the product etc.

However, would it be possible to put a checkbox to just click ‘Paid’ instead of the usual credit terms. 14 days, end of month etc? This way I can type the customers details in, or select a previous customer, invoice item and amount and the money goes into my ‘bank’.

I dont really want to type all of them in then tag the lot as paid as I feel this is slightly counter productive.

Kind Regards,

If you’re looking for a simple way to enter invoices that are marked as paid on entry, you could look at the bulk entry form. This essentially allows you to just enter invoices like you would on a spreadsheet and tick the “Flag invoices as Paid” box removing quite a few steps.

Alternatively you could upload the statement to your bank account and bulk tag from there, this will create all the backing invoices for you and you can process 50 at a time using this method.

Hello Glenn,

Thank you for the reply.

PeterK mentioned this method when I originally found Quickfile. However, if for instance it’s a new customer. How would you go about entering it then? Would have to ‘Create new client’ for each new order that day, then bulk entry the figures marking them as paid? If so this again seems counter productive.

It would be much easier if you could click the ‘New Invoice’, if you dont have the client you just select add, type in their details. Product and cost. Click ‘paid’ and enter. Then it’s done. Move onto your next one.

Or am I missing the point with the bulk entry?

Kind Regards,

The bulk entry form is enhanced for Power Users and you can enter new client details inline, without leaving the screen. The screenshot above is from a Power User account, so you will see a little green plus icon next to the client name.

If you want to try this out I can load a temporary subscription to your account?

Hello Glenn,

Thanks again for the reply. If you wouldn’t mind. This way I can test it out. How long will this last as I’m currently heading out now and wont be able to test it until tomorrow morning earliest.

I just noticed it’s only£45 + VAT for the year too which is extremely reasonable.

Kind Regards,

Hello Glenn,

If you don’t mind letting us know once this is done and I’ll give it a try. See how I get on :slight_smile:

Cheers mate.

EDIT. @Glenn I just thought. This won’t work as I still want the invoice to be raised fully to be able to then send onto the customer. Not just input the figures. A paid ‘Option’ would be much easier. Type the invoice. Set it as paid and send it into the customer?

If you’re looking to input mass invoices, mark them as paid and then send them to the client, what you could do, is input them in the bulk input tool (shown above), and tick the mark as paid box. Then if you wish to send them on to the customer, just simply do it from the invoice screen:

@wmcctv I’m just loading that onto your account now, if you login in about 10 mins time and go to any client screen, click the “Create new” button and select the “Multi-invoice entry” option, you will be able to access the enhanced multi-entry form.

Hello @Glenn,

Thanks for that. I’m just trying to get my head around this now.
When using this it doesn’t allow you to pull in your inventory does it? Each product has a unique code and the way I will do inventory will be the ‘Item’ will be the unique code and description will be the item. This way customers can call up and say the code or obviously pull up a previous invoice IF they are a repeat customer.

I know i’m being a nightmare here. I just want to get something that’s easy to use so I can use it through 3 businesses. However, all will be proforma basis and payment will be 100% in full before any goods are released.

I guess we could call what I need a sales receipt. Instead of a sales invoice?

Thanks again,

It does have limitations as it’s designed for faster entry rather than detail. It’s often preferred by accountants and bookkeepers when they just want to get the pertinent accounting information in without all the extra detail.

I think if we were to allow inline payment entries it would need to be more flexible than this and allow for partial payments, notes, payment type and nominating of bank accounts. If you look at the purchase invoice entry this does have the ability to enter payments inline, there have been requests to extend this to sales invoices so you may want to add your vote there.

Here’s the relevant thread.


In the interest of avoiding duplicate threads covering the same feature I will close this one for now.