Miscellaneous Income tag missing

Hi I was following the example you show for simple tagging of HMRC furlough payment but I do not have the Miscellaneous Income tag in drop down list only Miscellaneous Expenses etc. How can I add it to drop down list? The employee pays no NI or Pension so I do not want to go the route of the 2nd example you show on how to record furlough.

4900 is miscellaneous income. You should have it.

Have you deleted unused nominals at some point? You can just add it back in if you really don’t have it for whatever reason.

Hi guys I can see it in the chart of nominal account list but can not see it in drop down list so am a bit confused as to why it does not show up.

Hi @TC3

If you go to Reports >> Chart of Accounts, do you see the nominal code there?

If not, try going to More Options >> Add/Remove Nominals, and if you have deleted it, it should be there for you to re-add it.

You’re adding a purchase so it won’t show you nominals relating to income.

You need to back up a couple of steps or check what you’re doing, Quickfile is working as it should here.

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