Missing Country Name on Invoice

I have just created a sales invoice for an overseas client but the country name does not appear in the To: address on the invoice (Preview or PDF). However, my company’s country name does appear in the From: address.

The client’s country setting is the UAE. My company’s country setting is the UK. The option to hide the country name if both companies are based in the same country is ticked. I use the Standard invoice template, with only one customisation: a logo. I have used this template for about a year and I can see that the same problem occurred last year as well.

I searched the forum but found nothing relevant. Is there something I am doing wrong, or is this a bug?

Hi @Timothea

I’ve managed to locate your account and taken a quick look for you. It does appear that the country hasn’t saved when you saved the invoice but I would like to try and find out why.

When did you set the country to UAE? For example, is it likely that this was done after you created the invoice?

I set the country when I created the client, over a year ago.

It’s not urgent. The invoice has already been sent. However, as a (former) software developer, I like to report these things.

I’ve just edited your latest invoice, removed the client and re-added them, and the country has appeared fine.

When you originally create an invoice it will capture the client details as they are at that particular time. I can see that this particular invoice was copied from the other, which copies the details exactly as is (client details, line values, etc.).

While client detail updates aren’t captured in the event log, it’s possible this was updated after the first invoice was created.

We appreciate it! If you notice it again when creating a new invoice with this value already set, then please let us know and we’ll happily investigate it. But I’m confident that if you created a brand new invoice for this particular client now, it should show this on the invoice for you.

Thanks, that makes perfect sense. I must have added the country after creating the first invoice. This problem would also occur if anything else had changed, so the lesson is to be careful when copying invoices!

Personally, I would question whether copying an address is appropriate when copying an invoice. Address changes are not unusual, so maybe resetting the address would be better. Some things aren’t copied, such as issue number, invoice date, due date and other internal stuff.

That’s correct, that would be expected seems these would change with each invoice.

It’s always been this way, but we could certainly consider changing it if there’s more demand for this within the community. However, we need to take into account how other users use QuickFile too.

For example, one user may have different clients outlets set up as different clients within their account (e.g. ‘Sweet Shop Ltd. Bristol’, ‘Sweet Shop Ltd. Cardiff’, ‘Sweet Shop Ltd. Perth’), whereas others may have them set up as just one client (‘Sweet Shop Ltd.’) and just copy the invoices for each shop as the orders come in.

But if you remove the client (click ‘Modify’) and re-add them, it will automatically pick up their latest address, which is all I done with your invoice in my earlier post above.

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