I have a supplier where I make multiple purchases throughout the month, with multiple charges going onto my Credit Card statement, with the occasional refund.
At the end of each month, I get an invoice which gives a net figure for the month - charges minus the refunds.
After tagging all the charges to the invoice (total of charges exceeds the invoice amount), I can then also tag the refund the invoice, however I end up with a prepayment balance against the supplier of 3.19 and an invoice which is 3.19 in credit.
Invoice total: 313.46
Prepayment total (supplier credit) before allocation to the invoice: 316.65
Refund received: 3.19
After allocating the supplier credit the invoice, I am left with a prepayment amount of 3.19 and an untagged refund transaction of 3.19 on my credit card statement.
I have been unable to find a way to net these two things off against each other.
I can tag the 3.19 refund to the 313.46 invoice, however this creates a credit note, but doesn’t change the prepayment balance.
This then impacts the next months invoice as follows:
Invoice amount: 430.18
Prepayment amount: 3.19
Total owed to supplier: 426.99 - which is incorrect.
I think possibly the only solution is to calculate the charges before the refunds and enter this as my invoice amount? Hoping there is another solution that I’m missing!