Monzo Feed Not showing interest paid into Business Account

So my accounting year came to an end and I downloaded my bank statement from Monzo and expected the Business Account balance to match the value displayed in my QuickFile Monzo Feed. However it wasn’t.

I then found out that because I created a savings pot about 5 months ago which paid interest into my business bank account every month, the feed was not recording the interest input. Maybe because there is no external account involved?

So I manually added them in to QF and will do so every month when Monzo alerts me that interest has been paid in. I might have to do it maybe 3 or so days later to ensure it doesn’t get deleted when the bank feed is refreshed?

Just a note that someone else might find useful.

Hello @Andyg11

I have asked the development team to take a look at this to see if it can be improved.

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