Move client and supplier records between Quickfile Accounts

Hi Glenn

We changed from a Partnership to a limited company in December 2014. I’ve got separate QuickFile accounts for each, but would like you to copy the supplier and client records from the old company (now called EPIC Economic Development LLP (epicregen)) to the new company (EPIC Regeneration Consultants Ltd (epicregenltd). What do I need to do to put this in place?

Also, my business partner has posted some expenses into the old account rather than new (every purchase since 01/12/14 sigh). Do I have to delete these from the old and manually recreate in the new account, or can you do that as well :smile:

Thanks (and I’m looking forward to having a play with the Power User options!)


Hi Carri,

I can move the client and supplier records for you, no problem. I will send you a private message with the confirmation, if you would kindly accept, I will get this updated.

The expenses will have to be exported to CSV then re-imported on the new account I’m afraid.

Wow that was quick! :open_mouth:
Thanks as usual - and thanks for reminding me about the CSV export/import doh


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