Moving the QuickFile Dropbox syncing folder

Hi There,

I am having some syncing issues with the dropbox syncing.
Here is what I have done:
I set up the integration, allowing QuickFile to have access to my Dropbox account. Once the folder appeared in my main Dropbox folder, I tried put in a jpg to test the sync would work - this did work. I then moved the quickfile folder into my companies master accounting folder and tried dropping in another file to test if it would sync which it hasn’t.

That leads me to believe at this time we can’t share one sync folder to QuickFile?



I’m pretty sure the sync folder for QuickFile cannot be moved. It would normally be:

Dropbox\Apps\Quick File Receipts

Dropbox grant two types of permissions, one that allows us to access a sub-folder within your Apps/ folder, the other that would allow us to access your entire Dropbox. We only use the former option, so relocating the folder out of Apps/ will probably break the syncing.

Can I share the permissions of that apps folder with someone else? I need to have multiple dropbox accounts accessing the same folder.

I’m afraid Dropbox don’t currently support the sharing of sub-folders within the Apps/ folder. There does appear to be a number of requests for this with Dropbox, it may be worth adding your vote here:

The other solution would be to possibly use Zapier to sync up the folders between the two Dropbox accounts.

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