How do I know if I have correctly linked my account and that it is set up for MTD? I had an email from HMRC to say I had registered. I have not linked it on Quickfile that I am aware of but I cant see any option too.
If you go to your VAT settings there is a tickbox to enable online filling - there is then the option for MTD.
Once these settings have been changed you will be able to go to Reports > HMRC* and your account should be picked up there.
Hope this helps
Thanks Beth
Just hope it all works in a months time!!
you should be able to check that it is all working now.
If you go to Reports > HMRC it should bring up the period it will be expecting.
Thank you
It all seems fine
Hi Beth,
I have completed the MTD process with both HMRC & Quickfile
I still have a query when i checked the boxes “enable online filing” and “use MTD features” a further batch of boxes appear “User ID” then “password” “Branch number” etc
Is this my quickfile id etc or my HMRC records?
Also, in the MTD instructions it says these will be populated/updated automatically but on my case they were not. Have i misread the instructions?
regards Mark
Hi Mark,
Those boxes are used when you file the old way. If you have the MTD box ticked then if you go to Reports > HMRC then it should connect using your VAT number
Hi Beth
Just to be absolutely clear, I should leave those boxes blank?
Yes, if you are signed up to MTD leave those boxes blank
Hi Beth
When i try to leave them blank and press save I get an error message asking me to fill in the boxes…
Just to be complete, I have also marked the box for EU sales filing.
What do I do now!
oh, if you’ve ticked the box for EU, this still uses the old method so you will need to enter your HMRC log in details in that box
Even if I untick the EC sales box, the system still wants me to fill in the boxes before it will save.
Is there an error on my account somewhere?
I will send you a private message look out for the notification in the top right
If you have ticket “use MTD features” then you should just get a drop down box to select your HMRC account. You only get the username and password boxes as well if you have ticked the EC sales filing box, as the ECSL service requires your government gateway user ID and password (it isn’t tied in to MTD).
It’s all sorted now - there was a bit of a glitch where it was leaving the boxes even when MTD had been ticked
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