MTD linking

Registered for MTD with HMRC 3 days ago but can’t link from QuickFile - says not registered to use this service. I have checked all VAT HMRC details as correct (except officer no - what is it?). Any help gratefully received as VAT return due on 1st February 2019…

Do you have more than one HMRC Tax Account? Are you sure you have linked the correct account and you have the correct VAT Registration Number on QuickFile?

Normally it will take 1 day to complete MTD on-boarding on HMRC’s side. Failing the above I would recommend calling them and quoting your VAT number to make sure that you are 100% registered for MTD now.

Hi, Glenn, I have logged into the VAT account and checked the status and the details and all are correct. I have had an email from HMRC saying all is set up and the new Direct Debit details so I assume all is working from their end.

Hi @PaulS

Can I just check, when you log into HMRC on their website, do you see this on your account?image

If so, can you click “View your VAT Details” please? Does the VAT number shown here match the one on your QuickFile account?

If everything matches, when did you register with HMRC for MTD?

Yes, all matches. Registered 3 days ago.

Hi @PaulS

If it’s showing on QuickFile as not registered, this is likely to be the error being received from HMRC when we’re trying to connect the account.

It may be best to speak to HMRC. If everything matches (VAT number, account details etc.), it sounds like something is wrong on their end.

I will however send you a private message as I can’t locate an account for you.

QuickFile Says “You are not yet authorised to view this report”

We are The Glasgow Expert Witness Service Ltd.

Hi @PaulS

Thanks for the account details. I’ve had a look and can confirm that this is an error we’re receiving from HMRC.

As I mentioned above, as everything matches up, there shouldn’t be any reason why this doesn’t work. If the login details are correct, the VAT number is on the connected account, then it suggests the issue on HMRC’s side, so it may be best to speak to them to see why this isn’t working.

Hi, Thanks. I have spoken to HMRC and they say it is an ongoing problem with their system. Will try again in a few days!! Thanks for your help.


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