Mtd vat return error

** update checked HMRC account and return has been submitted so question now is how do i undo the rollback.
hi got an email from quickfile telling me my vat return hjad fialed. followed instructions and rolled back return but can resubmit. on the returns page it lists it as filed. when i view it it tells me it has been rolled back but no options to do anything.
copy of email

We received an error when trying to send your VAT Return for ORGANIC WHOLESALE LTD to HMRC for the period 1 September 2019 to 30 September 2019. Please see the details below:

HMRC Error Code: 500, Status: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Message: An internal server error occurred

We recommend rolling back the return ending 30 September 2019 and resubmitting. If the error persist or you’re unsure why you are seeing this error please contact us.

Hi @roger2282,

As you have stated that your return has been successfully filed with HMRC you will just need to ‘save’ the return on QuickFile. To do this, remove your online filling options from VAT Settings you can then run the return and save it for that period. Once the return is saved you can then add back your online filing settings.

Hope this helps

done, thanks

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