Multiple Invoice Due Dates

Hi All,

I’ve been testing our QuickFile today and wanted to know if this was possible. I did search the forum and found a similar question, but it was 5 years old. Hoping something changed since then:

For the projects I undertake, a lot of the time I will have a large fee, due in installments at certain milestones. If I have a invoice that for example is 3,250 and 50% is due upfront, 25% on a working draft and then 25% on delivery… how can I set that up here? Having 3 separate invoices just seems messy to me.

Any advice would be great :slight_smile:

It seems messy but vital for vat purposes if you are a vat registered at all or for that matter counting turnover for vat purposes. The invoice date is a crucial aspect for vat, say your 50% deposit might not be subject to income or corporation tax BUT for vat purposes, it can be due a lot earlier than the whole project, plz read more on vat point of date

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