My Starling Bank Feed not working

I signed up for the free 14 day trial for automatic bank feed with my Starling Bank account. It set up fine like it said in the instructions but so far I have only had 1 transaction come through even though there are several that have cleared.

What can I do to fix it?

Hi @JKline ,

Starling has a direct feed with Quickfile. If you signed up at 2pm on Monday and there were cleared transactions before that time (even on the same day), then these will not show on Quickfile. You can manually enter those transactions so that QF and Starling match up.

Thanks but I signed up last week and only one transaction has come through to QF. There are several that have cleared but have not come through.

Hi @JKline
Sounds like a job for support…apologies I cannot help further.

Hi @JKline

Can I check a few things with this?

  1. Have the transactions taken place after you connected the feed?
  2. What type of transactions are they?
  3. If they are card transactions, have they settled (e.g. no longer “Pending” in your Starling app)?

A good test case is to compare your statement within the Starling app compared to the data on QuickFile.

Thanks Matthew. I checked my statement and the transactions appear on the statement but were not imported to QF. I think I will just cancel the autofeed.

Hi @JKline

Am I correct in assuming the dates on the statement are after the date the feed was connected?

We can certainly do a bit more digging on this for you - that’s no problem at all. If you can just let me know about the date, we can get some further account details from you and look into it.

I have also had this problem for the last 9 or 10 years despite changing from HSBC to Lloyds and then to Starling during that time and despite reporting it many times it has never been solved. Most transactions are shown correctly but others are missed completely. Hence my bank feed now shows around 100% more than is actually in there! I have manually inputted the missing transactions several times but the problem still persists.

Thanks Mathew. I noticed some transactions came through today but there are missing transactions. I will keep an eye on it during the 2 week free trial.

Hi @Kevin_Linnell

Is this with Starling at the moment? If you want to send a message to @QFSupport with your QuickFile account number and an example of any transactions you’ve had issues with, we’re more than happy to take a look at this for you

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