My vat return shows submitted but isn't

VAT Return Help
SUBMITTED : 05/11/2015 12:58:58
Cash Accounting
Date Range From

VAT due on sales and other outputs 1
£8,591.96 Adjust this value
VAT due on EC aquisitions 2
£0.00 Adjust this value

Total VAT due 3
£8,591.96 Adjust this value
VAT reclaimed on purchases and other inputs 4
£7,868.33 Adjust this value



NET VAT to be paid to Customs 5
£723.63 Adjust this value

Total value of sales exc VAT 6
£44,226 Adjust this value

Total value of purchases exc VAT 7
£41,208 Adjust this value



Total value of supplies to other EC states exc VAT 8
£0 Adjust this value

Total value of acquisitions from other EC states exc VAT 9
£0 Adjust this value

Rollback VAT Return

We mark as submitted when you lodge to QuickFile, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that it has been submitted to HMRC. Not sure if that clarifies the situation?

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