I have a question regarding opening a new profile in Affinity account. During the process under “your login” there is an email provided iqpq]tqkfjs@quickfile.co.uk and a password already created by the system. Usually when I create new account I change email address provided by the system to my client’s email address (do I do the right thing?) and then he/she received the password to their email address. But then they appear as a profile administrator which means I can’t close their profile as only them have that privilege? Do I understand it properly? How does it work in a case I end up my relationship with a client? Will it be enough in that case to detach the profile from my affinity account so the client wish so can carry on using QF on their own account (and you will be billing them instead of me from that moment on)?. What do I have to do if the client do now wish to use his QF account any more, how do I delete this client account completely? Will it only be possible for him to do it?
Hi @Iwona1,
It is best to leave the quickfile email as the admin user as this will allow you to keep the admin rights. You can simply add your clients details as a separate user within the account, this will allow them access but the admin rights will remain with you.
If you remove the account from your affinity and the client is the main administrator then yes, any fees will fall to them as you only pay for the accounts attached to your affinity account. If the affinity account is the owner then I believe the account would be flagged for deletion if it is removed from affinity.
hope this helps
Thank you for your reply.
I have two profiles in my Affinity account I need to remove from there. In both cases clients requested to open an account for them and then changed their mind (they haven’t used it at all). In one case the client has an administrator rights but in the other case I believe I have it because I left quickfile email as it turned out. How do I remove these profiles then?
Hi @Iwona1
From your dashboard you just need to select Options > Detach profile
You may also find this guide useful for your previous query QuickFile Affinity overview
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