New supplier with default currency USD

New supplier with default currency in USD Dollar just created…

When creating a new purchase for the new supplier the receipt is opening with currency set in GBP!

Used the currency button to amend to USD which would normally not be required but then the Exchange Rate is set using the rates and is no longer amendable to match the rate charged through the bank account. rate 31/01/2022 1.3400
Visa rate 1.3361

Please fix the “Exchange Rate” box so that rate can be amended as was how a new puchase could have been recorded.

Hi @alan_mcbrien

Can you provide me with some steps to replicate this, please?

For example, how are you getting to the “New Purchase” screen?

New purchase attempted from supplier’s screen;

  • Create new → Purchase record

Hi @alan_mcbrien

I’m not able to replicate this unfortunately.

Just to confirm -

  1. You’re viewing the supplier (who has the default currency of USD)
  2. You click on Create > New Purchase Record
  3. The currency is GBP, so you change this to USD
  4. The Exchange rate can’t be changed

Is that correct?

Yes as described in your four steps with the same result.

A/c ending **10451

For supplier hyperlink ID=3202476

Also attempted this on A/c **10113 but working OK!

Thanks @alan_mcbrien. Managed to replicate it that time!

I’ve referred it to our development team to investigate further.

Hi @alan_mcbrien

We’ve released a fix that should address this. Would you mind checking and letting us know if this now works as expected, please?

Invoice opened in USD as expected and currency conversion amendment possible. All fixed; thank you @QFMathew


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