Next VAT period missing from VAT obligations

Hello, the “create VAT return” button seems to be missing.



Hi @waltmanc

Judging by your image, I’m guessing the next return due would be June, July, August.

The periods are specified by HMRC rather than QuickFile, so it may take a few weeks for the next period to show up.

Hello Mathew,

Thank you for your reply.

The “Create new VAT return” button has always been there, irrespective of the next return due date - and this is been the case for the past few years - so why has it suddenly disappeared?

It’s a perfect way of working out on a week-by-week basis of how much money we need to set aside for VAT.

So if it’s now gone, do you have any suggestions on how to use QuickFile to calculate VAT due on an on-going basis as we have hitherto done?


With MTD, you can only create a return against a period specified by HMRC, mainly because HMRC won’t allow submission without selecting a period (as each period has a “key”), and to minimise user error.

The way to access a VAT return with MTD enabled is to select “Prepare” next to the period in question, which would normally be in place of the word “View” in your screenshot above.

If you are missing an open period there that you believe should be showing, initially I would recommend logging into your HMRC account directly to see what their website shows, as this should pretty much mirror what you see on QuickFile. Following that, speaking with HMRC would be the only way to correct it as we have no control over the periods.

There’s no report as such, but if you are on accrual based VAT, you can use the tax summary report or create a custom report using the tax nominal. That would give you a rough estimate.

Cash accounting is a bit more tricky, because it’s based on the payments rather than the invoices. Generally speaking, do all your invoices (both sales and purchases), contain VAT?

I’ve just contacted HMRC - and it’s a fault with our account on their side not showing our next VAT period :frowning:

Thank you for your help anyway :slight_smile:

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