NI Employment Allowance - mid year

I have just claimed the employment allowance mid-year. Could anybody explain the payroll journals needed (a) to clear down what has been shown so far (and paid to HMRC) and (b) for future payroll months. Thanks

I’m guessing you’ve already included the employers ni in quickfile in the months it was paid.

And if you will likely have no more employers ni to pay for the whole tax year then your only open is to ask hmrc for a refund after the tax year, in which case you just tag that refund to the correct nominal.

If there will be employers ni to pay still then you will most likely have to manually calculate the difference between what your payroll software says you owe and how much your in credit by. If that’s the case then you just create your journal with the actual correct figures and tag the payments accordingly.

Thanks for the response. My most recent payment has been refunded on the HMRC system so I now have an unallocated payment. I think this may be offset when my latest RTI is uploaded. Either way, it’s my year end 31/12 so I’ll speak to my accountant soon to make sure everything is correct. I was just looking to get my own books up to date before I go to see him…

I think it would be best to speak to your accountant as I wouldn’t want to step on anyones toes.

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