Non-year ended account: problems

Massive problem. I didn’t realise my accountant hadn’t year ended 2019 and I think at some point in the last year I deleted transactions in the affected period from the PayPal account. The problems seem to begin in around July 2018, when the balance starts plummeting into minus, even though I’m sure that account was fully reconciled when the accounts were done. Is there a way, please, to rewind the data, duly analysed and tagged, in that account (only)?

Hi @mts77

Unfortunately we’re not able to roll this back.

Do you have any exports saved from your account which could be used to at least reinstate the transactions? If not, importing a CSV from PayPal could help.

The other thing to look for is any deleted invoices that may have been tagged to these transactions. Invoices aren’t permanently removed, so these could be restored.

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