I have corrected the description of some invoices via the chart of accounts and some of them did not change in the actual account. I have also changed some accounts codes and when getting my backup excel file, i can see the old descriptions and old accounts. However the Profit and Loss do not show anything into the old account. Does the system need some time to refresh?
The descriptions in the nominal accounts (chart of accounts view) are separate from the invoice names and line item descriptions, as I understand it changing one won’t change the other.
Re the backup, someone who works for QuickFile can confirm but I believe the backups are taken from a snapshot rather than the live database so the backup may be slightly behind real time.
Just to confirm - What @ian_roberts says is correct. The notes in the chart of accounts is separate. Likewise, the backups are taken from a snapshot of the database rather than the live copy, so it’s likely that this will be a little bit behind.