I am unable to edit the Client Area Settings - please help. After trying to remove some menu items in the client area settings and using standard colours provided, I keep receiving the following message " One or more of your selected colour codes is invalid."? I am only choosing a colour from those provided ‘preset’ so can’t understand why I am getting this message. Even if I type in the preset code ‘#A29572’ the error message still appears.
Also, my invoice numbers no longer show the hyphen e.g. FA2018-001 now becomes FA2018001. Was this a change implemented recently?
Are you using the new or older client area? If you’re unsure, it’s likely it’s the older one.
Technically, we’ve never allowed hyphens in invoice numbers, but there was bug that affected some browsers that still allowed it to be entered. This was fixed recently, but for continuity sake, if the hyphen has already been used it will continue as part of the increasing sequence generated when you create a new invoice.
Hi …and Yes, that’s correct - I am using exactly that screen, but after making changes (exactly like yours to colour #A29572), and clicking OK, it comes up with the error message ’ One or more of your selected colour codes is invalid.’
I just can’t fathom out why it’s not working. I am using windows 7 Ultimate and latest Google Chrome browser.