Only 1 of 2 bank feeds?

Hello, I’ve just started with Quickfile. I want to link my 2 company bank accounts to the live feed, and I was able to enter the bank link details, but I’ve only been able to activate one of them. I’ve tried several times but just can’t see the solution, any advice would be welcome, thanks.

Hi @NGreaves

What bank are you with, and assuming both accounts are with the same bank, are both accounts on the same internet banking login?

Hi Mathew
I’m with Barclays and the two accounts are on the same login yes.

Hi @NGreaves

If you can’t already see the account there to link, you will need to revoke the permission (by going to Banking >> Open Banking Feeds), and re-link it.

With the authorisation process, you can only state which accounts you’re giving access to at the point of connecting.

Hope this helps.

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