Only Phone and Fax numbers available in Landlord Client?

We added our properties and wanted to add a few notes - can’t find how to do that?
Also, the contact details only offers phone and Fax numbers? with no email… Whereas if you create a new Client from scratch it offers email and no fax? (Not that anyone still uses fax do they?)

Can anyone enlighten me?

Hi @brettbutcher

Additional contact details for a tenant can be added by viewing their client record. They are treated just as a normal client within QuickFile.

You can access the record quickly by clicking this link when editing the tenant:

Like normal clients, contact details can then be added here:

Hope this helps!

Thankyou Matthew,
Yes… that is the link I used. However, when in there I was only offered Fax and no facility for notes…

Hi @brettbutcher

I’ve taken a look at this. It does appear to be a little hidden, but if you find your tenant in the full client list, rather than going to the link that my colleague highlighted, you can add contact details as you would for a normal client.

I hope this makes sense, but if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

As a note, I have passed your feedback on to the team to make this clearer.

Thanks, I’ll have a look.
Rgds Brett

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