Open Banking Barclays issue - account not listed

just joined to Open Banking scheme in my 2 Ltd companies. Both of them have bank accounts in Barclays. 1st - I have linked 2 accounts - work perfect
2nd company - bank account is not listed on the Third part permissions.

Any clue?

Hi @macuser

The third party permission page is controlled by Barclays rather than QuickFile, so it may be worth speaking with the bank.

What type of account is the missing one? Is it GBP?

GBP, 3 bussines bank accounts (2 of them linked to 1st Ltd, 3rd bank account to 2nd Ltd company)

I can’t see there being an issue with the linking of any of those. But if it’s on the third party permissions page (on the Barclays website), you would need to raise it with Barclays I’m afraid.

The only list of accounts we ever see from the bank, is once you grant the permission, we can see the ones you have permitted. So if it’s not allowing you to even permit it, then QuickFile would never see it unfortunately.

just spoken with Barclays IT team. They advised that from their point of view - everything is clear - and they can not help.

What I can do now? 2 other bussines account work perfect. Just the 3rd one.

please advise

Hi @macuser

Where are you not seeing the third account - on the permissions page, or on QuickFile after you’ve granted the permission?

I logged in, granted the permission - then - I can see 2 business accounts only

So there’s two parts to this.

The first part (the granting permission) is controlled by the bank. The bank will list all eligible accounts for you to select. We have no control over this unfortunately. You can grant access to just one, or all of the accounts listed if you wish.

The second part is when you try to link the accounts (that is the bank account to the QuickFile bank account). When you try this, we’ll ask your bank for a list of available accounts. If the account isn’t already linked, we’ll list it here. If it’s not on the list, it’s either because permission wasn’t granted, or the bank isn’t providing the details to us. Likewise, we have no control over the list here either.

However, I’m keen to get this working for you, so I’ll send you a private message to try and get this resolved for you.

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