Our company number not being recognised

We are regsitered as an industrial and provident society, hence our company number starts with IP.

Your system doesn’t recognise this format, despite it being a recognised company number on the Companies House Web Check service.

You can try searching for us either by company number ‘IP032216’ or name ‘LREH Co-operative Limited’

It’s quite possible we don’t recognise that prefix and are excluding it in our validation, even though it may be a perfectly valid company number. I’ve logged it for review so we shall take a look shortly and report back.


We’ve contacted Companies House but I don’t believe IP companies can be queried using their XML service. In the next release we will allow for IP companies to be entered into QuickFile but it doesn’t look like it will automatically pull in the filing dates as it does for other company types.

Thanks for your great support as ever Glenn.

No problem!

Companies House just replied and confirmed that IP companies aren’t accessible via their data service. However we will as discussed allow those companies numbers to be saved on our side.

OK you should now be fine entering your company number.

You can update/save the company number in Account Settings >> Management Information.

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