Pause an invoice

A company I often work on projects for asked me to invoice them a rather large amount (for me) to secure the funds in their budgets. The project has since been delayed by at least 6 months, this leaves an invoice sitting as overdue.

I don’t want to delete the invoice as the project will go ahead, is there a way to pause it or hide it from ‘Money Owed To You’ on the dashboard and in Overdue Invoices?


In that situation I would modify the due date. That would at least keep it from being flagged as “overdue” but it would always ben money owed to you.


Yes good idea, will change to 12 months from now and modify again when it’s been given the go ahead - again.

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You realise you can’t or shouldn’t re write history don’t you? What was an invoice raised in the first place that is subsequently delayed is money owed to you regardless of how long it sits there.

Just because you may like to make your balance sheet look pretty does not mean you can re write history. your accountant would say the same as well.

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