I am trying to tag a payment from the bank which requires allocating to around 50 invoices, the problem I have is that only 20 invoices appear when I select pay down multiple invoices, is there a way to show all outstanding invoices so I can select the ones required? if not what is the best way to deal with this?
From the bank you can only allocate a payment to a maximum of 20 invoices. It’s seems like an unusual scenario, I’ve not encountered this before?
You can allocate to the first 20 but the remaining invoices you’d need to apply manually by going into each invoice and marking as paid, using the credit balance.
The other method which may work (only if the deposit amount exactly matches all 50 invoices) is to go to the invoice management screen narrow your search to reveal just those invoices and then select them all and update as paid. This will allow you to log one bulk payment against a maximum of 50 invoices. It will create a duplicate payment on the bank but then all you need to do is delete the existing untagged entry.
Thanks for your quick reply, I issue around 50 invoices per month to this particular client, who then makes a lump sum payment at the end of the month, I don’t see this as unusual but maybe it is?
I can pay down the 1st 20 from the bank no problem but then manually going into 30 invoices to mark as paid seems long winded, the other way you suggest would be quicker i.e. to select all invoices in question and mark as paid in one go, however this method makes tagging from the bank for more than 20 invoices redundant, I always tag from the bank so I know everything reconciles, would it be a difficult task making more than 20 invoices visible from the bank?
It’s not a difficult task per se but it will have performance implications that need to be considered. If it becomes a more widely reported limitation amongst other user we’d be happy to look further into this.
would it not be possible to tag from the bank and check assign later, then select multiple invoices and allocate these to the credit which is on account? this would be the same as going into individual invoices and logging a payment to the credit on account, basically adding the same functionality to the update as paid button as what we have on the log payment button?
It’s certainly possible, but unfortunately anything like this takes time to develop and test. It may seem like a simple implementation but it’s likely to take 1-2 days of development. If it were a 5 min fix (very few things are now) we’d certainly make the required change, as we’ve done in the past. For anything else I’m afraid we’d need to see more demand.
Have you thought about lumping invoices together, maybe issue one a week with the sub totals broken over multiple invoice lines?
We’re planning to add a button to “Show more invoices” within this list. I expect this will be available within the next 2 weeks. This is better than just defaulting to a bigger list as it means we’re not pulling back tons of data every time.
This has now been implemented. If there are more than 20 invoices for a given client/supplier, a yellow bar will appear which can be clicked to reveal the next 20 items.