Paying for multiple Accounts

Just been notified that I need to upgrade and pay for one of my larger accounts. I currently have two accounts for 2 business’s and I’m starting another so will need 3 access points. What account do I need? Can I do all this with Affinity? I’m quite happy to pay something as I think the system is great, I just want to know the easiest and most cost effective way. I do have accountants and book keepers needing access too.

Hi @marcus

If you are using multiple accounts, you may find Affinity works our cheaper. However, it may be worth checking if your accountants have an Affinity account first (assuming you use the same accountant for all businesses), as each account can only be connected to one Affinity account. If they are connected, you don’t need a Power User Subscription.

There’s a cost calculator for Affinity here.

If you do decide to keep the accounts separate, you would require a subscription (£45 + VAT) for 12 months access, but only for L and XL accounts.

I hope that helps

Affinity would definitely be more cost effective for you with multiple accounts. You would also have the option to pay monthly via Direct Debit.

That helps, thanks. I just need to work out how to set that up, sure it’s straight forward enough though.

You can first register a new Affinity account here:

Once you have an account you can then link your QuickFile accounts to the Affinity dashboard.

Let us know if you get stuck, you can also private message @QFMathew or myself if you need to discuss any account specifics.

Thanks again, i’m just trying to do that now and will come back if I can’t sort it out. Cheers.